The Breitbart News Daily Podcast

Cheapfakes, Jump Cuts, and Church and State....Do Liberals Have It Backwards?

Episode Summary

The latest from the geniuses at the DNC is to accuse all those videos showing Biden being old and lost as "cheapfakes". Like that was pulled out of thin air and edited to make him look senile! Well, if you look at recent polls, the lawfare approach against President Trump hasn't worked, so what the heck? Also, the Governor of Louisiana, Jeff Landry, has signed a bill putting the Ten Commandments into classrooms in his state and basically told the Left: go ahead! Make my day! You know what the Left will say: separation of Church and State! You're pushing religion down children's throat! Not so fast, says Mike! The Left has it all backwards! The Separation clause was never meant to keep the Church out of the State, but rather it was to keep the State out of the Church? Don't believe him? Mike will prove it to you as you keep listening....

Episode Notes

Cheapfakes, Jump Cuts, and Church and State....Do Liberals Have It Backwards?