The Breitbart News Daily Podcast

City Folks & Country Folks; Guest: Breitbart Politics Editor Emma-Jo Morris with Ashley Biden's Diary Theft Updates

Episode Summary

On today's podcast, host Mike Slater goes over "city folk" and "country folk" and how the two groups are the same and different in America. What do the politics of one mean for the other and vice versa? Can they coexist peacefully? Slater handles these issues and more while also taking some of YOUR phone calls on this important discussion. Following that, Breitbart Politics Editor Emma-Jo Morris stops by to weigh in on being a city folk group member in NYC while also giving some updates on the juicy story surrounding Ashley Biden's stolen diary and the legal proceedings that followed the theft! You won't want to miss the hot takes that Emma-Jo gives as the woman that broke the "laptop from Hell" story!

Episode Notes

On today's podcast, host Mike Slater goes over "city folk" and "country folk" and how the two groups are the same and different in America. What do the politics of one mean for the other and vice versa? Can they coexist peacefully? Slater handles these issues and more while also taking some of YOUR phone calls on this important discussion.

Following that, Breitbart Politics Editor Emma-Jo Morris stops by to weigh in on being a city folk group member in NYC while also giving some updates on the juicy story surrounding Ashley Biden's stolen diary and the legal proceedings that followed the theft! You won't want to miss the hot takes that Emma-Jo gives as the woman that broke the "laptop from Hell" story!