The Breitbart News Daily Podcast

Democrats In Full Panic As Grandpa Joe Stumbles Through Debate! Mike Takes Your Calls!

Episode Summary

Ohhhhh goodness! Where to start? We knew there was a chance that Grandpa Joe wouldn't be at his best. After all, 9pm ET is a little past his bedtime! But....THIS bad??? Even after a week of alleged debate prep, adjusting his schedule, and, ahem, perhaps other assistance, Joe Biden looked and sounded like every day of his 81 years. Really, all Donald Trump had to do was not lose his cool, and he came out the big winner. Democrats know it and they are in full panic mode! But Mike wants to make this show about you! Sure, we had some guests on and analysis from Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow. But Mike threw the phone lines open to get your reactions to the Trump/Biden debate.

Episode Notes

Democrats In Full Panic As Grandpa Joe Stumbles Through Debate! Mike Takes Your Calls!