The Breitbart News Daily Podcast

Kamalanomics And Price Controls On Display! And Can It Get Any Worse?

Episode Summary

Today, after hiding in her basement for almost a month since having the Democrat nomination handed to her on a silver platter, Kamala will give her first policy speech. The topic will be the economy. Her solution to the high inflation that's ravaging the pocketbooks of so many middle class and poor Americans? Reduce government spending? Make permanent the Trump tax cuts? Nope! It's price controls! Yep, it's those greedy capitalists gouging you that's to blame for higher prices at the grocery store! You heard it here first: Kamala is a San Francisco radical! Can it get any worse? Mike was a history major at Yale, and he dusted off his old textbooks and found some examples of economic hard times. Mike has the answer for you but brace yourself: you may not like the answer!

Episode Notes

Kamalanomics And Price Controls On Display! And Can It Get Any Worse?