The Breitbart News Daily Podcast

Where Did Biden's "Working Class" Voters Go? And Dr. G Tells You About His Day In Court...With President Trump!

Episode Summary

Emma-Jo Morris, aka "The Humble Scribe", recently spent a day in The Bronx during President Trump's rally there. She wrote a great must-read article on the website. Biden's support among working class, especially minority voters, has dropped significantly. Yet if you listen to Biden and his minions in the media, you'd think he's got his 2020 coalition sewn up. But who are these working class voters and what do they really think? And Dr. Sebastian Gorka spent a day in court with President Trump and wrote about it in another must-read article on his substack. He's here to tell you about what he saw and why he thinks no matter the verdict, it's a win for Trump!

Episode Notes

Where Did Biden's "Working Class" Voters Go? And Dr. G Tells You About His Day In Court...With President Trump!